Our work

APAC Ltd undertakes archaeology and heritage projects for a wide range of clients across the West Midlands (Staffordshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire) as well as the south of England and the whole of Wales.
The majority of the work we do is either in direct response to planning or pre-planning conditions imposed by local authorities; however, on some occasions APAC Ltd is contacted directly early in a prosed development, to assess the archaeological impact potential of a site for development. Whatever the size of your development, our experienced team would be happy to advise and assist you in its successful completion.
The online PDF: A Housholder's Guide to Archaeology and Planning Wales offers a description of the process you may be about to embark upon. A temporary link is provided here as the original is having problems:
As well as our commercial work, APAC Ltd also carries out research and community-based projects and has worked for Historic England and Cadw, as well as establishing and managing a long-term industrial archaeological research project, at the Angiddy Ironworks in the Wye Valley.
It is our aim to publish the results of all the work we undertake. All of our completed projects are published online through Scribd
All of our work is undertaken to the highest professional standards in accordance with the related standards and guidelines of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA). APAC. Ltd is a member of the Federation of Small Businesses.
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Below are links to some of our completed client reports for past projects: